
Turning your Web Application Multilingual within the Security

Turning your Web Application Multilingual within the Security

While going multilingual is the need of the hour, what confronts business owners the most is the security of their website or web application. Websites, and especially their interactive pages, comprise vital customer information, coordinates, and confidential details....

Questions to ask your Multilingual Solution Provider

Questions to ask your Multilingual Solution Provider

Going multilingual is a wise and visionary decision. If you’ve made it, you’ve taken the first step towards winning the regional market you are about to target. What next? The next step is to search for an experienced and comprehensive multilingual solution provider...

What to look for in a Multilingual Solution?

What to look for in a Multilingual Solution?

The fact that companies understand the significance of going multilingual is a healthy sign. However, on the other hand, most of them know very little about the various elements that revolve around it. For many, going multilingual is translating the content, and...

Translate Website and Localize Application in Hindi

Translate Website and Localize Application in Hindi

With a speaker base of approximately 500 million speakers across the globe, Hindi constitutes one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It is one of the 22 scheduled languages of India and has many dialects within and outside the country. Some of them...

Turn Your Website Multilingual



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